Effects of Animal Feces on Transmission of Human Pathogenic Bacteria in Purple Soil
摘要: 畜禽粪肥进入土壤会促进抗生素耐药性的传播,在传播过程中一旦人类致病菌获得抗生素耐药性,将对人类健康造成巨大威胁。本研究采用高通量测序技术,探究施加猪粪或鸡粪肥后紫色土中致病菌水平及其与抗生素抗性基因的共生关系。结果表明,与未施肥土壤相比,施加粪肥可明显改变土壤细菌群落结构。施加猪粪土壤中的致病菌丰度显著高于施加鸡粪土壤与未施肥土壤。施加粪肥后土壤中致病菌丰度随培养时间增加而减少,可能与土壤生态系统本身的自我净化功能有关。羊布鲁氏杆菌、毕氏梭菌、产气荚膜梭菌与多种抗生素抗性基因显著相关。致病菌相对丰度变化与细菌群落结构有显著相关关系(P<0.01)。细菌群落与土壤理化性质对致病菌相对丰度变化的解释率可达70.6%,可知二者是造成致病菌相对丰度变化的主要因素。综上所述,施加畜禽粪便可增加土壤中致病菌丰度与多样性,同时致病菌与多种抗生素抗性基因存在共生关系。
- 紫色土 /
- 粪肥 /
- 人类致病菌(HPB) /
- 抗生素抗性基因(ARGs) /
- 高通量测序
Abstract: The application of animal manure may significantly promote the spread of antibiotic resistance in farmland soil. High risk for public health arises once human pathogenic bacteria in soil acquire antibiotic resistance. In this study, effects of pig and chicken manure application on the level of pathogenic bacteria and their co-occurrence pattern with antibiotic resistance genes in purple soil were investigated by pot experiment using high-throughput sequencing technology. By comparing with the unfertilized soil, manure application was found to significantly alter the structure of soil bacterial community. Relative abundance of pathogenic bacteria in the pig manure applied soil was significantly higher than those in the chicken manure applied soil and unfertilized soil. Following application, the abundance of soil pathogenic bacteria decreased with the time during the incubation, which can be recognized as self-purification ability of soil ecosystem. Brucella melitensis, Clostridium beijerinckii and Clostridium perfringens were significantly correlated with antibiotic resistance genes. A very significant correlation was observed between pathogenic bacteria abundance and bacterial community structure (P<0.01). Bacterial community and soil properties together could account for 70.6% of the changes in relative abundance of pathogenic bacteria, indicating that these two factors were the most influential ones. Overall, the application of livestock manure may cause elevated abundance and diversity of soil pathogenic bacteria, which can co-occur with diverse antibiotic resistance genes. -
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