Review on Bacterial Community Characteristics on Microplastics Surfaces in Aquatic Environment
摘要: 微塑料因其比表面积大、难降解等特点,在水环境中长期存在,可作为水环境中微生物的独特栖息地。以细菌群落为主的微生物可定殖在微塑料表面,对生态系统和人类健康产生潜在风险。本文综述了国内外海水、淡水环境中微塑料表面细菌群落特征的研究进展,阐述了微塑料表面细菌群落的研究方法和结构多样性,分析了暴露时间、地点及塑料理化性质对微塑料表面细菌群落多样性的影响,探讨了水环境中微塑料表面细菌群落的生态效应和健康风险。后续研究应采用宏基因组学全面地探究水环境中的“微塑料圈”,并关注远洋、入海口和内陆地表水微塑料表面微生物群落,从全球尺度上探索水环境中微塑料表面微生物群落的定殖规律及其生态效应。此外,鉴于微塑料表面存在降解菌,需进一步明确定殖在微塑料表面的微生物参与微塑料降解的效率及其机制,可为了解微塑料在水环境中的归宿问题提供科学依据。Abstract: Microplastics, which are characterized by large specific surface area, low degradation rate and long-term existence in the aquatic environment, are generally served as a unique habitat for aquatic microorganisms. Bacteria as dominated microorganisms can colonize microplastic surfaces in the aquatic environment, further posing potential risks to ecosystems and human health. This paper provided a comprehensive review of bacterial communities on microplastic surfaces in seawater and freshwater environment. The research methods and structure diversity of bacterial communities colonizing microplastic surfaces were presented. The influence of exposure time, location and physicochemical properties on microplastics-associated bacterial community diversity was analyzed. Additionally, the ecological effects and health risks of bacterial communities on microplastics in the aquatic environment were discussed. Metagenomics should be applied to comprehensively explore the microplastisphere in the aquatic environment in future studies. More attempts should be made to explore microplastics-associated microbial communities in ocean, estuary and inland surface water, aiming to provide implications on the colonization and ecological effects of microbial communities on microplastic surfaces in the aquatic environment at a global scale. Besides, due to the occurrence of microplastics-associated degrading bacteria, it is necessary to further clarify their degradation efficiency and mechanism for microplastics degradation, which can provide a scientific basis for understanding the environmental behavior and fate of microplastics in the aquatic environment.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- bacterial community characteristics /
- biofilm /
- aquatic environment
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