Contamination and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Toys
摘要: 玩具是儿童摄入环境污染物的重要污染源。玩具的材质和再生塑料的使用可能对玩具中重金属等污染物的含量有较大影响,但这一问题尚未引起广泛关注。本研究检测了232个儿童玩具中的重金属浓度并讨论玩具中重金属的污染模式,意在探明儿童玩具中重金属污染现状并为儿童玩具的安全管理提供数据支持。Al、Ba、Cd、Co、Cr、Cu、Mn、Ni、Pb和Zn的总浓度分别为未检出(nd)~333 000、nd~206 000、nd~1 140、nd~2 610、nd~10 100、nd~798 000、nd~316 000、nd~3 350、nd~4 210和nd~1 450 000 ng·g-1,均未超过欧盟安全限值。研究发现毛绒和木质玩具中重金属检出率高于硬塑料和软塑料玩具。在泡沫玩具中,聚乙烯类(PE)产品中Cd和Mn的污染水平高于聚丙烯(PP)和聚氨酯(PU)。51%的硬塑料玩具为再生塑料材质。PP类再生塑料玩具中多种重金属的含量高于非再生塑料玩具,但不具有显著差异。儿童玩具中的重金属风险指数均<1,说明上述玩具对儿童造成的潜在风险水平较低。PP类再生塑料玩具带来的潜在健康风险需要关注。Abstract: Toy is an important exposure source for contaminants in children. A total of 232 toys were tested for concentrations of heavy metals, in order to explore the contamination status of heavy metals in toys, and to provide baseline data for the safety management of children's toys. Concentrations of Al, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, and Zn were not detectable (nd)~333 000, nd~206 000, nd~1 140, nd~2 610, nd~10 100, nd~798 000, nd~316 000, nd~3 350, nd~4 210, and nd~1 450 000 ng·g-1, respectively. All samples had metal concentrations lower than the European Union Directive Limits. Polyethylene (PE) toys had higher levels of Cd and Mn than poly propylene (PP) and polyurethane (PU) toys. Recycled plastics were identified in 51% of hard plastic toys. Higher levels of certain metals were observed in recycled polypropylene toys than non-recycled samples, but no significant difference was found. The hazard index values of metals in risk assessment were all less than 1, indicating that the toys pose low potential risks to children. The potential health risks derived from recycled polypropylene toys deserved attention.
Key words:
- heavy metal /
- toy /
- recycled plastic /
- risk assessment
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