Degradation of Procymidone on Rape and Its Metabolism in Hydroponic System
摘要: 为了明确腐霉利在油菜植株上的消解和代谢行为,建立了腐霉利在油菜植株各部位的残留分析方法,开展了腐霉利在江苏省、湖南省和青海省三地油菜植株上的消解规律研究;通过室内水培模拟实验,鉴定了腐霉利在油菜植株和培养液中的代谢产物,揭示了其代谢途径。结果表明,腐霉利在江苏省、青海省和湖南省油菜各部位的原始沉积量为:叶>花序>荚>茎,在各部位中的消解动态均符合一级动力学方程(R2>0.88),半衰期在0.6~3.7 d之间,消解速率为花序>荚>茎>叶,消解速率在区域上呈现出江苏省>湖南省>青海省。通过高效液相色谱串联飞行时间质谱联用仪,在水培油菜植株中鉴定出腐霉利单脱氯产物M1(C13H12ClNO2),在培养液中鉴定出4个代谢产物腐霉利氧化产物M2(C13H13Cl2NO3)、3,5-二氯苯胺M3(C6H5Cl2N)、腐霉利氧化产物M4(C13H13Cl2NO4)和腐霉利氧化产物M5(C13H11Cl2NO3)。相关研究结果为腐霉利的合理使用及安全性评价提供了数据参考。Abstract: In order to clarify the degradation and metabolism behaviors of procymidone on rape, this paper established a residual analysis method of procymidone in different organs of rape plant, and carried out the degradation experiment of procymidone on rape plants in Jiangsu, Hunan and Qinghai provinces. The metabolites of procymidone in rape and culture fluid were identified, and the metabolic pathways were revealed through indoor hydroponic simulation experiment. The results showed that the initial residues of procymidone in different organs of the rape plant in Jiangsu, Qinghai and Hunan provinces were leaf>flower>pod>stem. The degradation dynamics followed to the first-order kinetic equation (R2 was greater than 0.88), and the half-life ranged from 0.6 d to 3.7 d. The degradation rates from fast to slow in different rape organs were flower>pod>sti>leaf, and the degradation rates were Jiangsu Province>Hunan Province>Qinghai Province in the region. The dechlorination product M1 (C13H12ClNO2) of procymidone in hydroponic rape plants, and four metabolites of procymidone in culture fluid, including oxidation product M2 (C13H13Cl2NO3), 3,5-dichloroaniline M3 (C6H5Cl2N), oxidation product M4 (C13H13Cl2NO4) and oxidation product M5 (C13H11Cl2NO3) were identified by liquid chromatography coupled with quadrupole/time-of-flight mass spectrometry. The results provide data reference for the rational use and safety evaluation of procymidone.
Key words:
- procymidone /
- rape /
- residue /
- degradation /
- metabolism /
- high resolution mass spectrum
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