Data-driven Research on Global Distribution and Influencing Factors of Wetland Microplastics
摘要: 湿地作为水生态系重要拦污屏障和关键缓冲带,其不断累积的微塑料污染负荷不仅破坏了其自身生态系统结构和功能,也因独特的生态位"塑料际"增加了水源性传播疾病的扩散。然而,目前尚不清楚湿地微塑料在全球范围内的分布格局及其驱动机制。鉴于此,本研究基于数据汇编、整理和统计分析框架,整合了来自19个湿地的200个微塑料样本数据,以阐释湿地微塑料赋存特征并识别其影响因素。多元统计分析结果表明,湿地类型和环境介质影响微塑料丰度差异,并且内陆湿地的微塑料丰度显著大于海岸湿地。湿地水体和沉积物中微塑料形状和颜色存在显著相似性,并且纤维状的透明微塑料是其主要赋存形态。湿地水体和沉积物中微塑料赋存格局受到微塑料分析方法,包括采样和提取方法的显著影响。此外,地理距离作为主导因素,影响了湿地微塑料的分布,并且观测到微塑料丰度随距离的增加而减少的趋势。本研究基于湿地微塑料数据特征构建的数据驱动框架,既可为更好地掌握湿地微塑料分布格局及其污染状况提供方法参考,也可为湿地甚至其他水生态系统中微塑料的污染管控提供数据支撑。Abstract: Wetlands, recognized as crucial pollution barriers and essential buffer zones within aquatic ecosystems, have been accumulating microplastic pollution loads that not only undermine their own ecosystem structure and function, but also increase dissemination of waterborne diseases due to their unique ecological niche-plastisphere. Despite this, a comprehensive understanding of the global distribution patterns of microplastics in wetlands and the underlying mechanisms remains elusive. Here, we improved a meticulously constructed framework for data compilation, arrangement and statistical analysis, integrating 200 microplastic samples from 19 wetlands to characterize the distribution of microplastics in wetlands and identify their influencing factors. The results of multivariate statistical analysis revealed discernible effects of wetland types and environmental media on the distribution of microplastic abundance, with significantly higher levels observed in inland wetlands compared to coastal counterparts. The morphological characteristics of microplastics in wetland water and sediments exhibited notable similarities, with fibrous transparent microplastics identified as the predominant components. Additionally, microplastic analysis methods, including sampling and extraction methods, significantly influenced the occurrence of microplastics in wetland water and sediments. Furthermore, geographic distance emerged as a dominant factor influencing the distribution of microplastic abundance, showing a trend of decreasing abundance with increasing distance. Our data-driven framework, based in the distinctive characteristics of wetland microplastic data, serves as a methodological reference for understanding the occurrence and distribution of wetland microplastics and their pollution status, and provides essential data support for effective pollution control strategies in wetlands and other aquatic ecosystems.
Key words:
- wetland /
- microplastics /
- data-driven framework /
- distribution /
- influencing factors
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