Typical Heavy Metals Accumulation in Main Seafood of Sanmen Bay, the East China Sea
摘要: 为探究我国东海三门湾主要养殖海产品重金属累积状况,评估当地沿海居民因海产品摄入导致的重金属健康风险,并以此了解海产品中重金属的累积特异性,本研究于2022年10月-12月选取三门湾养殖场进行取样,共取76份样本,包含10个品种,分析样品中总砷、无机砷、总镉、总铅和总汞这几种典型重金属含量,采用单因子污染指数评估这10种海产品受重金属污染的情况,应用目标危害系数及复合危害系数评估当地沿海居民长期食用海产品的健康风险,同时对海产品中无机砷的赋存形态展开讨论。结果表明仅部分虾蛄、梭子蟹中镉含量高于限量值(3.0 mg·kg-1),所有样品中的无机砷、铅和汞的含量均低于限量值。不同种类的海产品对重金属累积存在显著差异,这10种海产品除受到镉不同程度的污染外,另外3种重金属污染均处于正常水平,当地沿海居民长期摄入这10种海产品由重金属引起的健康风险属于低关注级别。每种海产品中的无机砷含量低于总砷含量的5%,且与总砷含量之间表现出弱相关性。本研究可为了解三门湾养殖海产品的重金属污染状况及为评价当地沿海居民食用三门湾养殖海产品引起的重金属暴露风险提供科学依据,同时也可为了解海产品中重金属累积特异性和重金属安全限量值的研究提供基础科学信息。Abstract: The purpose of this study was to investigate the accumulation of heavy metals in major cultured seafood in Sanmen Bay, the East China Sea and assess the associated health risks for local coastal residents due to seafood consumption. A total of 76 samples covering 10 different seafood species were collected from aquaculture farms in Sanmen Bay from October to December 2022 and analyzed for typical heavy metal contents of total arsenic, inorganic arsenic, total cadmium, total lead, and total mercury. The single pollution index was used to evaluate the contamination of these 10 seafood species by heavy metals and the health risks associated with long-term consumption of seafood by local coastal residents were assessed using the target hazard quotient and the total target hazard quotient. Moreover, the speciation of inorganic arsenic in seafood were discussed. The results of this study revealed that only a few samples of Oratosquilla oratoria and Portunus trituberculatus exceeded the limit value (3.0 mg·kg-1) for cadmium content. The inorganic arsenic, lead, and mercury contents were lower than the limit values, and significant differences were observed in the accumulation of heavy metals by different types of seafood. The health risks associated with heavy metal consumption from long-term intake of these 10 seafood species by local coastal residents were found to be of low concern. The inorganic arsenic content in each seafood sample was less than 5% of the total arsenic content and demonstrated a weak correlation with the total arsenic content. This study provides a scientific foundation for comprehending the heavy metal pollution status of cultured seafood in Sanmen Bay and assessing the exposure risks associated with heavy metals in seafood for local coastal residents. Additionally, it offers fundamental insights into the inorganic arsenic forms in seafood, contributing to the possible revision of heavy metals limit values in future regulations.
Key words:
- typical heavy metals /
- seafood /
- health risks /
- inorganic arsenic forms /
- pollution index /
- hazard quotient /
- Sanmen Bay
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