Research Progress of Contamination and Toxic Effects of Microplastics in Fish Based on a Statistical Analysis of Patterns of Publications
摘要: 微塑料污染作为全球性的环境问题,越来越受到人类的关注。每年有大量微塑料进入水环境,因此水生生物正面临着由微塑料带来的巨大威胁,特别是作为水生生态系统重要组成部分及人类重要食物来源的鱼类。前期调查数据显示全球范围内渔业资源逐年减少的同时,鱼类受到的微塑料污染正在不断加剧。随着分析检测水平的提高和生物学实验技术的发展,微塑料对鱼类影响的研究特别是其毒性效应研究越来越多,而且涉及的内容越来越广泛。本文基于文献计量学方法概述了目前微塑料对鱼类影响的几个主要方面。(1)全球鱼类受微塑料污染的现状(鱼类受到的污染程度、受污染鱼类体内的微塑料特征)。(2)微塑料对鱼类产生毒性效应的相关要素:暴露方式(长期/短期、急性/慢性、单一/联合)、微塑料特征(种类、大小、形状、浓度等)、鱼类的生理变化(生殖、免疫、生长、代谢、行为等)、受影响的器官(肝脏、消化道、鳃等)、微塑料的归趋(积累、转移等)。(3)存在问题与展望:缺乏统一的环境分析方法和标准化的毒性测试方法、暴露研究在符合环境实际的同时还应考虑塑料添加剂的影响、加强微塑料的生态风险评估。Abstract: As a global environmental problem, microplastics (MPs) have attracted increasing attention of humans. Each year there were a large number of MPs enter the water environment, the aquatic organisms are facing huge threats posed by MPs, especially fish, which are an important part of aquatic ecosystems and an important food source for humans. Previous surveys showed that fishery resources were decreasing year by year while the influences of MPs on fish were increasing all over the word. With the improvement of analysis and detection level and the development of biological experimental technology, more and more studies have been done on the effects of MPs on fish, especially on their toxic effects, which involve more and more extensive aspects. In this paper, the main aspects on the influence of MPs on fish is comprehensive summarized based on a statistical analysis of the patterns of publications. Firstly, the contamination posed by MPs on fish all over the word (polluted condition of fish all over the word, MPs characteristics in contaminated fish). Secondly, the main elements of toxic effects of MPs on fish, including exposure styles (long-time or short-time, acute or chronic, single or combined), MPs characteristics (type, size, shape and concentration, etc.), physiological changes of fish (reproduction, immunization, growth, metabolism and behavior, etc.), the organs affected (liver, intestine, gill, etc.), the fates of MPs ingested by fish (accumulation, transfer, etc.). Thirdly, the problems and perspectives, including lack of unified environmental analysis methods and standardized toxicity testing methods, exposure studies which should not only accord with the environmental reality, but also consider the impact of plastic additives, and strengthening the ecological risk assessment of MPs.
Key words:
- microplastics /
- fish /
- contamination condition /
- toxic effect
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