Research Progress on Environmental Effects and Health Risks of Liquid Crystal Monomers
摘要: 液晶单体(LCMs)作为目前常用的薄膜晶体管液晶显示屏(thin film transform liquid crystal display, TFT-LCD)的关键组成部分。随着电子产品的老化和淘汰进入到环境中,目前在电子废弃物拆解场、填埋场和居民住所等环境中已被检测到。且LCMs作为一类潜在的具有持久性、生物累积性和毒性的新污染物,具有一定的环境效应和健康风险,有必要引起一定的关注。目前国内外对这一类物质的关注度却很低,仅有少数研究团队在进行其环境效应和健康风险方面的研究。本文简要综述了LCMs的分析方法、在环境中的分布和组成以及在大气中转化机理的研究进展,同时本文针对LCMs的环境行为参数和毒性,阐明了LCMs的健康风险评估方法和研究的不足之处,并对环境介质中LCMs的全面评估、环境中LCMs的溯源和迁移转化规律以及高检出率LCMs的毒理学研究提出了一些建议。Abstract: Liquid crystal monomers (LCMs) are significant chemicals commonly used in thin-film transform liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD). With the huge number of LCD devices produced, many such devices end up being discarded and at best end up in e-waste sites, which raises the worry of eventually being released and entering into the natural environment. Now they have been detected in diverse sites, such as e-waste dismantling sites, landfills, and residences. As a new class of potential emerging pollutants with persistence, bioaccumulation, and toxicity, LCMs have certain environmental impacts and health risks, which deserve more attention. This paper briefly reviews the research progress of analysis methods, composition and distribution in the environment, and transformation mechanism in the atmosphere of LCMs. At the same time, in view of the environmental behavioral parameters and toxicity of LCMs, this paper expounds the shortcomings of health risk assessment methods and relative research of LCMs. Some suggestions for the comprehensive assessment of LCMs in environmental media, traceability, migration and transformation of LCMs in the environment, and toxicological studies of LCMs with high detection rates are also proposed.
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