Advance on Effect and Mechanism of Pesticide Chemicals on Lipid Metabolism in Fish
摘要: 由于农药的广泛使用,目前许多农药类化学物质在水生生态系统中被检出,造成水环境污染,影响水生非靶生物的健康。脂质在鱼类生长发育中发挥着重要作用,近年来大量研究表明农药暴露能够干扰鱼类脂质代谢,导致脂质水平紊乱。本文在介绍农药污染现状基础上,从干扰脂质消化吸收、合成、分解和转运等过程综述了农药类化合物对鱼类脂质代谢的干扰效应及机制。以期为今后进一步探究农药的脂代谢毒性作用及其安全性评价提供更多的理论参考。Abstract: Due to the widespread use, residues of many chemical pesticides have been detected in the aquatic ecosystem. Pesticides pollution not only causes great damage to the water environment, but also adversely affects aquatic non-target organisms. In this paper, current pollution status of pesticides was reviewed, and then the adverse effect and its underlying mechanisms of pesticide compounds on lipid metabolism in fish were summarized, especially focusing on the disruption of lipid digestion, absorption, synthesis, decomposition, and transport. It will provide more theoretical references for further exploring the lipid metabolism-disrupting effect of pesticides and also for safety evaluation of emerging pesticide chemicals in the future.
Key words:
- pesticides /
- fish /
- lipid metabolism /
- mechanism of action
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