Pollution Characteristics and Risk Assessment of Antibiotics in Typical Northern Urban Rivers
摘要: 本研究对北方某市2条河流中磺胺类、喹诺酮类和β-内酰胺类的10种典型抗生素进行了污染特征分析和生态风险评估。结果表明,滏阳河与沁河水中分别检出8种和7种抗生素,浓度范围为ND~205 ng·L-1和ND~152 ng·L-1,检出率与平均含量最高的为磺胺类,其次为喹诺酮类、β-内酰胺类;沉积物中分别检出7种和6种抗生素,检出浓度范围分别为ND~57.0 ng·g-1和ND~36.6 ng·g-1。检出率最高的为喹诺酮类的环丙沙星、诺氟沙星,磺胺类居中,洛美沙星检出率最低,氟罗沙星仅在滏阳河中检出。β-内酰胺类3种抗生素未在沉积物中检出;抗生素在时空分布上呈现冬季高于夏季、滏阳河高于沁河、出市断面高于入市断面的特征。与南方地区相比北方河流中磺胺类和喹诺酮类抗生素含量较高。通过物种敏感度分布(SSD)法得到的风险评估结果低于传统的单一物种风险评估法,但2种评估结果均表明洛美沙星存在较高的生态风险,有关北方地区城市河流中抗生素污染问题应得到重视。Abstract: In this present study, 10 typical antibiotics in two rivers in a northern city were analyzed to obtain the pollution characteristics and ecological risk assessment, including sulfonamides, quinolones and β-lactam antibiotics. The results revealed that 8 kinds of antibiotics and 7 kinds of antibiotics were detected in Fuyang River and Qin River, respectively, with the concentration range of ND~205 ng·L-1 and ND~152 ng·L-1, respectively. The detection rate and average content of sulfonamide antibiotics were the highest, followed by quinolones and β-lactams. A total of 7 and 6 antibiotics were detected in sediments, with the detection concentration range of ND~57.0 ng·g-1 and ND~36.6 ng·g-1. The quinolone ciprofloxacin and norfloxacin had the highest detection rate, the sulfonamides were in the middle, and lomefloxacin had the lowest detection rate. Fleroxacin was only detected in Fuyang River. The three types of β-lactam antibiotics were not detected in the sediments. The temporal and spatial distribution of antibiotics was higher in winter than that in summer. Fuyang River was higher than Qin River, and the exit section was higher than the entry section. The contents of sulfonamides and quinolone antibiotics in northern rivers were higher than that in southern regions. The risk assessment results obtained by the species sensitivity distribution method were lower than that obtained by the traditional single species risk assessment method. However, both assessments indicated that lomefloxacin had a higher ecological risk. Most importantly, the issues of antibiotic pollution in urban rivers in northern regions should be given more attention.
Key words:
- antibiotics /
- urban rivers in the north /
- pollution characteristics /
- risk assessment
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