Impacts of Biochar Derived from Corn Straw on the Ecotoxicity of BDE-47 in the Sediments
摘要: 生物炭对于污染沉积物的原位修复具有很大的潜力,但关于生物炭对沉积物中有机污染物生态毒性影响的研究则较少报道。为评价生物炭对沉积物中BDE-47生态毒性的影响,以底栖动物铜锈环棱螺为测试生物,采用28 d慢性沉积物生物测试研究了不同添加比例的玉米秸秆生物炭(CSB)与BDE-47联合作用对BDE-47生物积累、肝胰脏细胞DNA损伤以及氧化胁迫生物标志物的影响。结果表明,在慢性暴露情况下,CSB对铜锈环棱螺不具有毒性;CSB通过显著降低沉积物间隙水中BDE-47的浓度而降低其在铜锈环棱螺体内的生物积累。在实验浓度范围内(1%~7%),CSB添加比例越高,降低BDE-47生物积累的效果越显著。不同添加比例的CSB均可以显著降低BDE-47对铜锈环棱螺DNA损伤的毒性,较高比例(4%和7%)CSB的效果更为显著,但BDE-47的氧化胁迫毒性不随CSB添加比例的升高而下降。因此,从降低BDE-47生态毒性的角度考虑,沉积物中CSB的合适添加比例为4%左右。Abstract: Biochar has great potential for in-situ remediation of contaminated sediments. However, little is known regarding the impacts of biochar on the ecotoxicity of organic pollutants in sediments. To evaluate the impacts of biochar on the ecotoxicity of BDE-47 in sediments, BDE-47 bioaccumulation, DNA damage, and oxidative stress related biomarkers in the hepatopancreas of Bellamya aeruginosa following a 28-d exposure to sediments spiked with single or combined corn straw biochar (CSB) and BDE-47 were investigated. The results showed that, under chronic exposure, CSB was nontoxic to B. aeruginosa. CSB could reduce BDE-47 bioaccumulation by significantly reducing BDE-47 concentration in the sediment interstitial water. Within the experimental concentration range (1%~7%), the higher the proportion of CSB in the sediment, the more significant the effectiveness of its reducing BDE-47 bioaccumulation. CSB with different proportions in the sediment could significantly reduce the toxicity of BDE-47 to DNA of B. aeruginosa, and CSB with relatively high proportions (4% and 7%) showed better effectiveness. However, the oxidative stress toxicity of BDE-47 did not further decrease with the increase of CSB addition. Therefore, in terms of reducing the ecotoxicity of BDE-47, the appropriate CSB proportion in sediments is about 4%.
Key words:
- BDE-47 /
- Bellamya aeruginosa /
- ecotoxicity /
- corn straw /
- biochar /
- sediment
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