Research Progress on Interaction between Micro/nanoplastics and Antibiotics
摘要: 微/纳米塑料作为一种新型污染物,广泛存在于自然水体和土壤环境中。微/纳米塑料有着较大的比表面积、含氧官能团及较强的吸附能力,容易吸附水体中的各类污染物,包括抗生素类有机物。微/纳米塑料与抗生素结合形成的吸附体毒性会增强,而微/纳米塑料本身的性质及环境因素会影响到其与抗生物的相互作用。本文全面综述了微/纳米塑料与抗生素类有机污染物的相互作用机制,梳理了微/纳米塑料的性质,如种类、粒径和老化程度等对其吸附抗生素的影响,总结了环境因素,如pH、有机大分子、盐度、重金属离子和温度对微/纳米塑料与抗生素相互作用的影响,并对未来研究的重点内容提出展望,以期为进一步明晰微塑料和抗生素的吸附行为及机理、微塑料/抗生素吸附体的环境行为及对生物体的健康风险提供参考。Abstract: As a new type of pollutant, micro/nanoplastics widely exist in natural water and soil environment. Micro/nanoplastics have large specific surface area, oxygen-containing functional groups and strong adsorption capacity, and are easy to adsorb many kinds of pollutants in water, including antibiotic organics. The toxicity of the adsorbent formed by the combination of micro/nanoplastics and antibiotics will be enhanced, and the properties of micro/nanoplastics and environmental factors will affect the interaction between micro/nanoplastics and antibiotics. This paper comprehensively summarized the interaction mechanism between micro/nanoplastics and antibiotic organic pollutants, sorted out the influences of the properties of micro/nanoplastics, such as plastic type, particle size and aging degree, on their adsorption of antibiotics, and summarized the effects of environmental factors, including pH, organic macromolecules, salinity, heavy metals and temperature, on the interaction between micro/nanoplastics and antibiotics. The future research in this direction were prospected, in order to provide reference for further clarifying the adsorption behavior and mechanism between microplastics and antibiotics, the environmental behavior of microplastics/antibiotic adsorbents and their potential health risks to organisms.
Key words:
- micro/nanoplastics /
- antibiotics /
- environmental behavior /
- absorption mechanism
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